Extra is a leading developer, investor and experienced operator of high-quality MSAs
The Extra MSA Group (Extra) is a leading developer, investor and experienced operator of high-quality Motorway Service Area (MSA) properties across the Strategic Road Network.
Extra has 11 MSAs including the recently opened M1 J45 Leeds Skelton Lake.
Extra recently opened two new MSAs at Cobham in Surrey (M25) and Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire (M40, J2). Planning application for a new MSA is currently awaiting a decision in Solihull (M42).
Extra’s approach to delivering their ‘new generation’ MSAs starts with a holistic look at the site. This involves taking account of all aspects of the development, for example, the ground form and associated constraints, views towards and from the site, ecology, trees, archaeology, access, circulation, topography and service infrastructure.
Having identified a development area, a safe and functioning layout will then be shaped. Ensuring safe access from the Motorway and consideration of landscape impacts are key to this stage of the process, along with evolving a building design that works with its surroundings and ensuring that the scheme is as sustainable as possible. For example a new Extra MSA will include the use of sustainable timber, local materials and reflecting local building styles.
In practice this means considering any new site holistically, taking account of all aspects of the development through from the ground form, views both towards and from the site, ecology, trees, archaeology, access, circulation, topography, and service infrastructure.