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In November 2020 the government announced it would phase-out the sale of new petrol and diesel vans by 2030 and that all new cars and vans sold must be fully zero emission by 2035. The accessibility and convenience of vehicle charging, along with ‘recharging anxiety’ is frequently raised by consumers as a constraint to the purchase of these vehicles. 


National Highways is committed to ensuring a comprehensive national network of plug in EV charge points every twenty miles on the Motorway Network. 


MSAs will play a significant role in the provision of EV charge points for electric cars. However, ensuring provision at existing MSAs is only one part of the equation. The location and spacing of MSAs is also critical if a proper network is to be established. 


Where large gaps exist between existing MSAs, as is the case in this area, then the benefits of the new charging facilities will not be fully realised, acting as a drag on the uptake of EVs for longer distance journeys.

Further Information

The Public Safety Role of MSAs

A significant public safety risk exists on the Western M25

Future Emissions Reduction Measures

Supporting the roll out of zero emissions vehicles - addressing the challenges of recharging anxiety' on the Motorway network

Extra & Their Approach

Considering any new site holistically, taking account of all aspects of development

A Significant Public Safety Need

A matter of urgency if fatigue related accidents are to be reduced

M25, Junction 16-17

Finding a suitable location.

Extra has undertaken an extensive search of potential

Working with the Local Community

Significant social and environmental benefits for the local area

Where is the Safety Risk on the M25?

A new MSA located between Junctions 16 and 17 would fill the largest number of safety gaps

Chiltern Chalfont Services

Extra has identified a site of under 40 hectares which focuses on the eastern side of the Motorway between Junctions 16 and 17

Economic Benefits

£1.8 million in annual rates; 310 permanent jobs

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