At the end of June 2019 Extra submitted an outline planning application to Chiltern District Council for a new Motorway Service Area (MSA) between Junctions 16 and 17 of the M25, near Chalfont St Peter.
The description of development applied for is:
The erection of a Motorway Service Area with all matters reserved with the exception of access from the M25, comprising of a Facilities Building, Fuel Filling Station, Electric vehicle charging, up to 100 bedroom Hotel, service yard, parking facilities, vehicle circulation, landscaping, woodland and amenity spaces, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)/attenuation, pedestrian and cycle links, retaining structures and associated mitigation, infrastructure and earthworks/enabling works.
The application is supported by the following information which can be accessed via Chiltern District Council’s website (application reference PL/19/2260/OA):
Site Location Plan
Illustrative Masterplan
Floorplans and Elevations
Cross Sections
Access Plan
Environmental Statement (including Transport Assessment)
Design and Access Statement
Planning Statement
Alternative Sites Assessment
Consultation Statement
Design Principles Document
Economic Statement
Employability Statement
Public Right of Way Strategy
Sustainability Statement
Energy Statement